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Legal Notice

Legal notice of ORAFOL Europe GmbH

All Rights Reserved. No content or imagery can be used or duplicated without the express written consent of ORAFOL Europe GmbH. Images used in this website have in some cases undergone digital retouching to enhance the graphic appearance. The ORAFOL name is a registered trademark of ORAFOL Europe GmbH.

Though the contents of this website were carefully review, we do not accept any liability for the contents of external links. The responsibility for the contents of linked websites lies exclusively with their owners.

Brand Names
Unless otherwise stated, all trade marks on the ORAFOL websites are subject to legal protection. This applies in particular to ORAFOL brands and products, company logos and emblems. The brands, products, and designs featured on our websites are the intellectual property of ORAFOL Europe GmbH, Oranienburg.

Masthead/Legal Disclosure as Required by German Law:
ORAFOL Europe GmbH
Orafolstrasse 1
D-16515 Oranienburg,  Germany
Tel: +49 (0)3301 864-0
Fax: +49 (0)3301 864-100
Email: info@orafol.com

ORAFOL Europe GmbH, producer under §9 VerpackG with the registration number: DE2962799477929

Managing Directors:
Klaus Schmidbaur
Dr. Holger Loclair

Registration Court: Local Court of Neuruppin
Registration number: HRB 47 NP
VAT identification number: DE 138 704 469

Concept, screen design, and website realisation: FINISH – Agentur für Marke und Design.

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