Business Ethics
Green Initiatives & Social Responsibility
At the ORAFOL Europe GmbH, we acknowledge our responsibility to help our communities and to protect the environment we live in.
Environmental sustainability and corporate social responsibility are principles that guide our actions and decision-making, from top management to individual employees. All our employees know that they are empowered to make a difference.
Our efforts in this field are continuously ongoing – not just a sporadic activity. We are committed throughout our organisation to continuously improve our environmental sustainability efforts and to reach out to people around the world.
Quality Management System

Company Strengths
Company structure
The organisational structure within ORAFOL Europe and the ORAFOL Group ensures quick decision making processes at all levels, as well as forming the base for the high degree of reliability which is associated with the company.
A strong focus on R&D in all company divisions, ensures a continuous development of new and innovative products.
ORAFOL Europe GmbH makes continuous investments to ensure technological leadership – today and in the future.
Team Spirit
A cooperation based on trust exists between ORAFOL employees, suppliers and customers. A creative work environment forms the base for developing high-performance products.
Excellent Service
A high product quality coupled with short delivery times and excellence in customer service guarantees a high degree of customer satisfaction.
Corporate Policy
Needs and expectations of our customers
All our activities are geared towards customer satisfaction and success. Flexibility and innovation are the keys for offering the best price performance ration on the market to our customers and to win new customers. The so generates profit allows us to invest in employees, research and development, in engineering and technology in order to meet the future expectations of our customers.
Needs and expectations of further interested parties
In addition, we take into account the interests of our suppliers and partners, authorities, neighbours, or the general public and not at least of our employees. Our employees are the foundation of our company. Their skills and motivation are the key to our success and thus the basis of secure jobs and a secure income
Compliance with binding obligations
We obligate ourselves to compliance with all statutory regulations on site in the areas of quality, environment, energy and occupational safety and are committed to our corporate social responsibility. Contacts and agreements with third parties are fulfilled by us. National and international requirements for our products, which relate to the protection of man and nature we regard as binding obligations.
Safety at work
Health of our employees is an important asset. So we ensure the compliance with all applicable safety and health requirements and social and ethical standards.
Quality, development and environmental protection
The continuous improvement of the quality of our products is a natural necessity closely linked to a customer-oriented development of our product range. The goal is a product which is suitable for the application and which has a ration between functionality, service life, raw material and energy input and costs that correspond to the application.
Nature, Energy
We are aware of our responsibility for the nature and face the ecological challenges of the future. We strive to minimize the impact of our production on the environment, the consumption of raw materials and energy. This also includes the acquisition, use and production of raw material and energy efficient products as well as the optimization of the corresponding processes.
Continual Improvement
We are committed to the continuous improvement of the integrated management system with the aim of improving environmental and energy performance and by involving all employees.
In order to implement the stated policy with its goals, ORAFOL provides the necessary resources and maintains open communication with internal and external parties.
Download ORAFOL Corporate Policy
Green Initiatives

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Long before “Corporate Social Responsibility” (CSR) became a popular term, ORAFOL facilities around the world have actively engaged in giving back to their communities.
A sampling of these initiatives includes large donations of reflective products for child safety initiatives throughout the world, volunteering in local schools to teach business basics, and volunteer work with organisations such as Rebuilding Together, a leading nonprofit organisation which helps low-income Americans to repair and refurbish their homes and to rebuild communities. Financially, the company has provided scholarship support to inner city students as well.
Policy statement on the human rights strategy
Code of Conduct
This Code of Conduct determines the requirements which we make to ourselves and all our employees obligingly. These values, principles and methods of action also apply to all our suppliers.
Laws and other compliance obligations
The applicable laws and compliance obligations shall be complied with in all business decisions and actions which are relevant to us.
Bribery and corruption
Any form of corruption, bribery or the granting of benefits which may be used to influence decisions is prohibited.
Forced Labour
All forms of forced and compulsory labour are not tolerated by us.
Child labour and youth employment
Child employment as well as any exploitation of children and youngsters is prohibited. The minimum age for admission to employment must not be less than the age at which compulsory schooling ends, and under no circumstances less than 15 years. National Standards for the protection of children and adolescents must be observed. In particular, young people up to the age of 18 must not be exposed to dangerous, unsafe or unhealthy situations.
Any discrimination against employees is prohibited. Equal opportunities and equal treatment of employees must be promoted. In particular, any distinction, exclusion or preference on the basis of race, color, sex, age, religious conviction, political opinion, physical or mental disability, ethnic, national or social origin, nationality, sexual orientation or other personal characteristics is prohibited.
Health and safety
Care must be taken to ensure a safe and healthy work environment in order to avoid accidents at work, occupational diseases and impairments of health that may arise in connection with the activity. Our employees are regularly informed and trained about the applicable health and safety standards as well as safety measures.
Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
ORAFOL respects the right of the employees to freedom of association and collective bargaining.
Environmental protection is a particular concern. Therefore, ORAFOL places big value on precautionary actions to held environmental risks and negative effects on the environment as low as possible. We ensure that all applicable national and international environmental laws, regulations and standards are respected and support the use of modern, efficient and environmentally friendly technologies.
Whistleblower System
In the ORAFOL Whistleblower System, you can quickly and easily report any concerns you may have about misconduct which affects our company or the wellbeing of staff and third parties.
The reporting system must not be used to make false accusations. It is prohibited to deliberately report false information.
We would like to encourage you to state your name in your submission. Regardless of this, you should set up a secure mailbox to allow us to continue to communicate with you.
Each report is strictly confidential. You can find more information about this under the menu item “Data protection notice”.
Reports which relate to matters in member states of the European Union or reports which are identified as being from whistleblowers within the European Union, may also be submitted to external reporting offices. Click here to go to the ORAFOL Whistleblower System: Reporting system