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FLIXBUS - Éxito en la carretera con las películas para el forrado de vehículos de ORAFOL

Flixbus is one of the biggest European players when it comes to comfortable and convenient bus transport of travellers between major European cities. Since its start in 2013, the Munich based company has transported more than 1 million intercity passengers between 1400 cities in no less than 28 countries within the region, and the green and orange busses are a well know sight throughout the pan-European highways network.

Brand recognition is a key factor for Flixbus when it comes the visual appearance of their bus fleet. The look must be consistent, in the right design and exact matching corporate colours, and the graphic livery must be sufficiently durable to be able to withstand the constant exposure to road transport in all types of European weather conditions and temperatures.

Flixbus recently specified ORACAL 970RA by ORAFOL as the future sole livery film for their entire fleet, not only in Germany but Europe wide.

Sebastian Stanglmaier, Senior Procurement Manager of FLIXBUS explains, “In the past five years, FlixBus has tested various film suppliers for the properties of durability, colour intensity, processing, removability and pricing. After considering several providers in regards of their costs and quality, we have decided to proceed with ORAFOL as unique provider of our foiling material. This supplier has also developed a new set of colours which comply with our corporate identity and should now be used in all our network.”

ORAFOL is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of graphics films for the automotive industry. The company’s German based R&D team developed special colours in close cooperation with Flixbus, to reach an exact match to the bus company’s corporate identity.

“We are delighted that a leading company such as Flixbus has specified ORAFOL as the sole supplier for their complete fleet markings.  With over 20 years of experience from the wrapping market, the ORAFOL products are completely tailored to market requirements, and we look forward to a successful further venture onto the European roads together with Flixbus,” says Evelyn Zocher, Sales and Marketing Director of ORAFOL’s Graphic Innovations Division.

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