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Berlin: No more “sticker bombing” on traffic signs thanks to the ORALITE® anti-sticker film

“Sticker-bombing” on traffic signs is a big problem in large cities all over the world. Berlin currently has a pilot-project running for traffic signs with anti-sticker properties. ORALITE® 5097 Astifol® Anti-Sticker Film is the name of the solution. Although the initial cost is slightly higher compared to a regular sign, in the long run the money is well invested, the city finds.

Read the full article from BZ-Berlin below:

New Miracle-Vinyl against the Sticker-Bombing-Mania on Berlin traffic signs

Last summer, a company introduced a new magic cure to the district office of Berlin-Mitte. The patent is supposed to prevent the sticker-bombing of traffic signs. With the new pilot-project, the district office Mitte will start the battle against the sticker-bombing-mania on the capitals traffic signs. In the first instance, 500 of the innovative STOP, YIELD, and speed- signs have been purchased. The first 100 of the Anti-Sticker-Signs have been installed this year.
The success is visible for example on the corner of Leipziger/Mauerstraße:

Visitors of the Communications Museum (Kommunikationsmuseum) tend to stick their admissions tickets to the traffic signs, so that the meaning of the signs could no longer be recognized. Now, nothings sticks there. “The unique property lies in the special anti-sticker-film coating. Due to the protection layer, the stickers can be removed easily and without residue. Even the application of such will be much more difficult to begin with”, says the district office.

The special signs are about 20 percent more expensive but the amount will be saved due to the reduced replacement cycles. The main problem is the retro-reflectivity. Inspectors check the traffics signs once a week on the main roads and every ten days on the byroads. Police or citizens also provide suggestions. Years ago, only the poles were sticker-bombed, then especially in tourist areas and near bike-routes, the signs became targets. Until now, these contaminations had to be removed by setting up a ladder and using special detergents. The problem: The retro-reflectivity of the signs suffers during this process. The district office Mitte will now use the new traffic signs at the sticker-bombing-hot-spots of the city. These could serve again for 10-20 years, like they did before the graffiti-sticker-mania.   
For the original German newspaper article, please click here

Photo: BZ Mitte

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