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ORAFOL Partners with Lady Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

ORAFOL Partners with Lady Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Bunny in the City "Lady Pink" from Southern Motors Savannah CDJR stopped by for a visit yesterday and ORAFOL Americas employees had the wonderful opportunity to sign the Pink Jeep in honor of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

The Pink Jeep features ORACAL 970RA Premium Wrapping Cast,  ORACAL 651 Plotter Film, and ORAJET 3675 Window Perf Film, donated by ORAFOL Americas and installed by Ryan at Southern Sun Grafix in Savannah, GA.

The Pink Jeep, in partnership with Saint Joseph's Candler,  Southern Motors Savannah CDJR,  WSAV News 3 Buddy Check 3,  SA Recycling Savannah,  ORAFOL Americas, and Southern Sun Grafix, has collected 100's of signatures to raise awareness and provide valuable resources for early detection and prevention.

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